
Safe guard your home Herbally

By NiluSharma    10 Jul 2017 18:28:41

They are one amongst the many problems that come along with monsoon and have been feasting infinite picnics in our homes since the dawn of time.

Pest– harmless but incredibly irksome.

Two, Four, Eight that's how they multiply and take over your abode without you realizing the trouble they would cause.

Thanks to thousands of tiny hairs on their arms and legs, the bacteria are quickly transferred to your food, which could pose a serious health risk. Amongst many of the solutions used, Pest Control is one of the most commercial solutions used because of its elevated awareness, relatively low cost and the ease with which they can be applied.

The need for pest control is at its peak during the monsoon season. Don’t worry about the chemical loaded in pest control.

Say hello to Herbal Pest control.

Non-chemical or herbal pest control uses organisms or odourless bars to control pests. These when released/placed strategically, naturally fight pest infestations without harming the occupants of the area.

The difference between non-herbal and herbal pest control is its formulation, equipment, and residual action.

Herbal pest control makes use of natural herbs and plant parts and is available in the form of Granules, crystals gels or cream based substance. Since its formulation is cream based the process of diffusion is very simple via hands. An added advantage for HPC is that it decomposes completely without leaving any residue behind.

The myth that surrounds herbal pest control is its high price. We at bookmein offer budget friendly pest control solution without compromising on our quality.

So, this Monsoon let's put a stop to this injurious lifestyle and go organic with Bookmein!


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